Thursday, December 11, 2008

Who are You?

This was fun and yes I am lame so try it and see who you are!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


OK, so when I created this blog it was to help me keep some type of journal and keep in touch with all of our friends that are so far away! So far it has been a weird tribute to different things in life and a tribute to one of the most wonderful men in my life! Well I can say that time has dulled the pain but by no means has it even began to take it away! Today I had to teach the young women and believe it or not it was on change! Man I don't like change! Well I tried to talk myself out of teaching the lesson and going down the road of Christmas but just couldn't! OK really the lesson was for me I learned a ton! The one thing that I found was that the only guarantee in life is that there will always always be change! The other thing I talked about was the children's book about the caterpillar that changes into a butterfly! I read that if we were as the caterpillar willing to submit our lives just like the caterpillar to the lord! He will make us into the beautiful butterfly! I have had hard time with that but at this point I will do what ever the lord wants me to do! I am at his mercy he has helped me with so much! I am not sure that it is fair for me to do this to him!

The other day Dave and I had a discussion about helping others that are in need and giving what we can to lighten there load! Something that my parents are masters at and something that I want to be better at! More along the lines of submitting myself unto the Lord! So at this time of year of Thanksgiving I am so thankful for all things that I have! I love my Husband with all my heart and could have never made it through the last few months without him! I am thankful for my children they are the world to me! They keep me humble and on my toes! I am thankful for the ability I have to live where I do and to have family so close! I am thankful for my mom she has the most amazing strength and when you are with her you feel the spirit really near Thanks mom! With out you who would cut such awesome Christmas Trees and keep me grounded and remind me that the Lord loves us just as much as you and Dad love us! I am also Thankful for having such great parents that have made a most amazing impact on a community! I am thankful to be able to call them mom and dad! Thanks for letting me be your daughter! Thanks to all of you for your love and support! Without all of you I would not make it through each day! Thank you! Thank you! I love you all!

Dave, Thanks for being the most wonderful husband in the world! Sami thanks for being the best you and being my daughter! Jordan thanks for reminding that those who have passed on are never that far away! Hunter thanks for adding a splash of all boy in my life showing me how fun it is to have a great little man in my house!
Love ya all